Assignment 1: Servos
The purpose of this assignment was to demonstrate send a serial packet to a servo. In this case we were simulating sending command packets to a dynamixel servo that was daisy chained to other dynamixels.
Github Link:
branch: ece-499-590-assignment1-fall-2014-Tindell
Assignment 2: Visual Servo
The purpose of this assignment was to take a previous homework that we created to follow a moving blue square using a Visual Servo of sorts. The robot would change its angular velocity to follow the blue square on the screen and place the square at the center of its camera.
Github link:
branch: visual/servo
Assignment 3: PTU Visual Servo
This was by far my favorite of the HWs and the Assignments. This assignment was to use a camera that was mounted on 2 dynamixels, one which rotated about the z axis, the other rotating about the y axis, to track a blue ball and place it at the center of the screen. To do this we used openCV to find the threshold of the color of the ball and find the center of the moments.
Github Link:
branch: dynvisServo