Homework 1: Waving hand simulation
This was the first Homework assignment meant to familiarize us with the simulator and how to use ach channels to control the robots servos.
Github Link: Before I had an account.
Homework 2: Balancing on 1 foot
This homework was designed to teach us about support polygons and how to move the center of mass correctly.
Github Link : https://github.com/tim-tindell/hubo-simple-demo.git
branch: Assignment2
Homework 3: Human Interface Controller
This homework was designed to teach us how to create a proper interface between a robot and a user. In this case, we used keyboard input to move a robot in a simulator
Github Link: https://github.com/tim-tindell/ECE-499-590-Fall-2014.git
branch: assignment/KeyController
Homework 4: ZMP Walking
This homework was designed to teach us about Zero Moment points and how to use this concept to make a humanoid robot walk in simulation.
Github Link: https://github.com/tim-tindell/hubo-simple-demo.git
branch: Walking
Homework 5: Object Tracking
This homework used a camera and openCV to allow the robot to track a certain color ball and place it at the center of the camera screen. This was done in simulation
Github Link: https://github.com/tim-tindell/ECE-499-590-Fall-2014.git
branch: visual/servo
Homework 6: Stereo Vision
This homework utilized two cameras and information about the cameras pixel density, focal length, and distance apart from each other to determine the distance the robot is from a box.
Github Link: https://github.com/tim-tindell/ECE-499-590-Fall-2014.git
branch: assignment/Stereo
Homework 8: Face Tracking
This homework utilized openCV , two dynamixel servos, and a usb camera to follow the movement of a face and center it on the camera
Github Link: https://github.com/tim-tindell/ECE-499-590-Fall-2014.git
branch: dynvisServo